Month: July 2018

‘Broke’ agents leaving Purplebricks in droves

Property Investment Advisor

“Broke” real estate agents are quitting British disrupter Purplebricks in droves as the fixed-fee agency’s low-margin, high-turnover business struggles to achieve enough sales amid ‘Broke’ agents leaving Purplebricks in droves

Is real estate really one of the least trusted professions in Australia?

Qualified Property Investment Advisor

The real estate industry has a public perception problem, with new figures showing that agents have one of the least trusted professions in Australia. A Is real estate really one of the least trusted professions in Australia?

Regions outstripped Melbourne in June quarter, as metropolitan price growth abates

Property Financial Advisor

New REIV data for the three months ended 30 June 2018 reveals that median house price performance in regional Victoria outstripped that in Melbourne. Regions outstripped Melbourne in June quarter, as metropolitan price growth abates